Technical Papers
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Break Ames Room Illusion: Depth from General Single Images
A general pixel-level depth/geometry estimation method that only takes one common photo as input. This paper first presents important observation that small blur is inherent and spatially changing...

Deviation Magnification: Revealing Departures from Ideal Geometries
Structures and objects are supposed to have idealized geometries such as straight lines or circles. However, these objects sometimes deviate from their idealized models in a subtle way. We reveal...

Revealing and Modifying Non-Local Variations in a Single Image
We present a method for detecting and visualizing Non-Local Variations between repeating structures in an image. Our method is used to: 1) reduce these variations by producing an ‘idealized’ image...

Transform Recipes for Efficient Cloud Photo Enhancement
Cloud image processing could free mobile devices from their computing and energy constraints. But the cost of wireless transfer remains high. We capture input to output image transformation using...