Technical Papers
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IM6D: Magnetic Tracking System with 6-DOF Passive Markers for Dexterous 3D Interaction and Motion
We propose a novel real-time magnetic motion tracking system with multiple identifiable, wireless, occlusion-free markers, providing position and orientation with reasonable accuracy and update...

3D Motion Sensing of any Object without Prior Knowledge
We propose a novel 3D motion sensing. The rotation and translation of the target is recovered by multiplexed lasers, and noncontact, high-speed, deterministic measurement without any prior knowledge...

Capturing the Human Figure Through a Wall
RF-Capture is a system that captures the human form -- i.e., a coarse human skeleton -- through a wall using radio frequency (RF) signals. It can also classify between users and track their...

Solving Trigonometric Moment Problems for Fast Transient Imaging
Transient images capture light propagation by resolving an image in time of flight. Our new techniques serve to capture and reconstruct up to 18.6 transient images per second using AMCW lidar...

Online Structure Analysis for Real-time Indoor Scene Reconstruction
We propose a real-time approach for indoor scene reconstruction. It is capable of producing a ready-to-use 3D geometric model even while the user is still scanning the environment with a consumer...