Presentation Three
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ModulGraph: Modularity-based Visualization of Massive Graphs
Large graph visualization has become a dominant problem in multiple big data analytics domains, including media analytics, social network dynamics, resource management in cloud computing...
High Performance Heterogeneous Computing for Collaborative Visual Analysis
Visual analysis of large and complex data often requires multiple analysts with diverse expertise and different perspectives to collaborate in order to reveal hidden structures and gain...
Visualizing large-scale structure of a million-firms economic network
The real economy in Japan comprises two million firms and billions of links of supplier-customer and other relationships. We challenge to visualize such big data, specifically how firms are...
DATACOLLIDER: An interface for exploring large spatio-temporal data sets
The increasing use of social media and cell phones or the widespread setup of sensors have resulted in the production of large data sets, both time stamped and geolocated, which are a powerful...
Visualizing the Time-varying Crowd Mobility
Modeling human mobility is a critical task in fields such as urban planning, ecology, and epidemiology. Given the current use of mobile phones, there is an abundance of data that can be used to...