Technical Papers
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A Unified Approach for Subspace Simulation of Deformable Bodies in Multiple Domains
Under the vertex-based partitioning framework, we present a unified subspace simulation system to animate a multi-domain deformable body, without any additional constraint.

Subspace Dynamic Simulation Using Rotation-Strain Coordinates
A full featured deformable model in a much reduced configuration space.

Expediting Precomputation for Reduced Deformable Simulation
This paper presents a new precomputation pipeline for reduced deformation simulation. We use a more efficient Krylov iteration to construct linear and nonlinear modes, the random project method for...

Model-Reduced Variational Fluid Simulation
We present a model-reduced variational Eulerian integrator for incompressible fluids, which uses homogenized boundary conditions to handle irregular domain shapes on a regular grid. The resulting...