Technical Papers
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Real-Time Pixel Luminance Optimization for Dynamic Multi-Projection Mapping
We present a system for dynamic projection mapping, based on a carefully crafted objective function that transparently handles dynamic scenes and multiple projectors. This system enables us to bring...

An Interactive Tool for Designing Quadrotor Camera Shots
We present a tool for designing and autonomously executing quadrotor-based camera shots. We show that our tool makes it possible for novices and experts to design compelling and challenging shots,...

Image-Space Modal Bases for Plausible Manipulation of Objects in Video
We present algorithms for extracting an image-space representation of object structure from video and using it to synthesize physically plausible animations of objects responding to new, previously...

Visual Transcript: Readable, skimmable layout of blackboard-style lecture videos
We present Visual Transcript, a system that transforms contents of a blackboard-style lecture video into a readable interactive lecture note which interleaves visual content with corresponding text....