Technical Papers
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Structure and appearance optimization for controllable shape design
This paper presents a new optimization scheme for controllable shape design. A structure emerges from a given loading scenario, and resembles an input exemplar while enforcing mechanical...

Topology-based Catalogue Exploration Framework for Identifying View-Enhanced Tower Designs
We present a catalogue-based framework that allows architects to explore tower designs that enhance the quality of views. This is accomplished through efficient view computation which is then used...

AutoConnect: Computational Design of 3D-Printable Connectors
We present AutoConnect, an automatic method for designing a customized, 3D-printable connector that attaches two physical objects together. Given two objects and their configurations, our method...

Magic Decorator: Automatic Material Suggestion for Indoor Digital Scenes
We present Magic Decorator, a system that automatically generates material suggestions for 3D indoor scenes.

Sketching Folds: Developable Surfaces from Non-Planar Silhouettes
We present a sketch-based modeling method for developable surfaces with pre-designed folds, such as garments or leather products. Silhouette strokes can correspond to discontinuous sets of...