Technical Papers
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Video Diff: Highlighting Differences Between Similar Actions in Videos
We present a "video diff" method that helps people visualize differences between similar actions in two videos. Our visualization places the edges of one video onto the frames of the second and...

JumpCut: Non-Successive Mask Transfer and Interpolation for Video Cutout
We introduce a new interactive video object cutout method, based on non-successive mask transfer. Given a source frame for which a foreground mask is already available, we compute an estimate of the...

Blind Video Temporal Consistency
Applying image processing techniques independently to each frame of a video often leads to temporal inconsistencies. We propose a gradient-domain approach to recover temporal consistency by...

Fast Computation of Seamless Video Loops
We compute seamless video loops several orders of magnitude faster than prior work -- nearly in real-time. At the same, we obtain higher-quality loops by accounting for Poisson blending and...

Real-time noise-aware tone mapping
We propose a viable solution for video tone-mapping that controls the visibility of the noise, adapts to display and viewing environment, minimizes contrast distortions, preserves or enhances image...