Technical Papers
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Push-Recovery Stability of Biped Locomotion
Understanding the correlation between gait and stability is an important aspect of biped controller design. We studied this issue in two sets of experiments with human participants and a simulated...

Generalizing Wave Gestures from Sparse Examples for Real-time Character Control
With a set of reference control motions, how can we decompose arbitrary human motions into their individual amplitude, frequency, and phase elements, even when the motions are performed...

Video-Audio Driven Real-Time Facial Animation
We present a real-time facial tracking and animation system based on a Kinect sensor with video and audio input. Our method requires no user-specific training and is robust to occlusions, large head...

Real-time Expression Transfer for Facial Reenactment
We present a method for the real-time transfer of facial expressions from an actor in a source video to an actor in a target video, thus enabling the ad-hoc control of the facial expressions of the...

To Stylize or not to Stylize? Effect of Shape and Material Stylization on the Perception of Computer Generated Faces
This work analyzes two of the most influential factors that define how a character looks: shape and material. From a series of perceptual studies we conclude how different combinations of...