Papers Session Four: Interaction
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RTReception Ticket

A Hand Gesture Control Framework on Smart Glasses
The proposed hand gesture control framework has been implemented and the demonstration has been implemented by using this framework. Several gestures are pre-defined for various functions, such as...

Toe Detection with Leg Model for wearable input/output interface
In recent years, mobile terminal such as smart phone has become widespread. According to this, we tend to use the information service at a glance and frequently. For example, we use information...

MovieTile: Interactively Adjustable Free Shape Multi-Display of Mobile Devices
We developed MovieTile, a system for constructing multi-display environments using multiple mobile devices. The system offers a simple and intuitive interface for configuring a display arrangement....

PlanWell: Spatial User Interface for Collaborative Petroleum Well Planning
We present our prototype of PlanWell, a spatial augmented reality interface that facilitates collaborative field operations. PlanWell allows a central overseer (in a command and control center) and...