Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications
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Collaborative Magic Lens Graph Exploration
Wednesday, 04 November
16:45 - 18:00
Kobe Int’l Conference Center, Room 401, Level 4

Collaborative Magic Lens Graph Exploration
We present the design and implementation of a prototype consisting of several mobile devices that allow for multi user exploration of dynamically visualised graphs of large data sets in a mixed reality environment. Tablet devices are used to represent nodes and placed on a table as augmented reality tracking targets. From these nodes a graph is dynamically loaded and visualised in mixed reality space. Multiple users can interact with the graph through further mobile devices acting as magic lenses. We explore different interaction methods for basic graph exploration tasks based on the previous research in interactive graph exploration.
Daniel Drochtert , University of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf
Christian Geiger , University of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf