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A Hand Gesture Control Framework on Smart Glasses
The proposed hand gesture control framework has been implemented and the demonstration has been implemented by using this framework. Several gestures are pre-defined for various functions, such as...

A Platform for Mobile Augmented Reality App Creation without Programming
There are many application areas on using smartphone to access relevant information. By taking a picture from a physical object using a smartphone app, we use image recognition technology to provide...

A system to support the amateurs to take a delicious-looking picture of foods
Recently, many people take a picture of foods at home or in restaurants, and upload the picture to a social networking service (SNS) to share it with friends. People want to take a delicious-looking...

Augmented Reality Using High Fidelity Spherical Panorama with HDRI - Demonstration
This demonstration presents an experimental method and apparatus configuration for producing spherical panoramas with high dynamic range imaging (HDRI). Our method is optimized for providing high...

Extending HMD by Chest-worn 3D Camera for AR Annotation
Light head-mounted display (HMD) combined with a 3D depth sensing camera as wearable technologies that can be used to enhance the AR experience. In this demonstration we present a scenario where the...

Free-Hand Gesture-based Interaction for Handheld Augmented Reality
In this research, we investigate mid-air free-hand gesture-based interfaces for handheld Augmented Reality (AR). We prototype our gesture-based handheld AR interfaces by combing visual AR tracking...

Identity and Embodiment in the Virtual Reality Artwork Trio
Trio poses questions about complex interactions that humans can have with AI and how movement becomes the vocabulary for dialogue and interactivity with a non-human other. To explore the potential...

JoggAR: a mixed-modality AR approach for technology-augmented jogging
Augmented Reality (AR) game-like environments can potentially enhance the experiences of jogging and other forms of individual exercise. In such exertion-based activities, participants often shift...

MAVIS: Mobile Acquisition and Visualization - Hands On
Professional video recording is a complex process which often requires expensive cameras and large amounts of ancillary equipment. With the advancement of mobile technologies, cameras on mobile...

Mobile - based Streaming System for Omnidirectional Contents
Many types of display systems have been developed for expressing high levels of presence. However, these types of display systems sometimes require the allocation of large spaces and they tend to be...

ScoringTalk and WatchingMeter: Utterance and Gaze Visualization for Co-located Collaboration
In order to enhance communication, various ways for supporting communication have been researched [Terken and Sturm 2010; Bergstrom and Karahalios 2007]. However, most of these work are difficult to...

TheMOON - Architectural Design and Fluid Movement for Touch Based Online 3D Retail Shopping
TheMoon is an online 3D shopping centre featuring a simple, innovative touch-based 3D navigation and interaction user interface set in an architecturally designed virtual space allowing novice users...