Papers Session Five: Games
FCFull Conference Pass (FC - All Days)
FC1Full Conference Pass (FC - 1-Day Only)
BCBasic Conference Pass
ExExhibits Only
ETElectronic Theater Ticket
RTReception Ticket

SMASH: Synchronization Media of Athletes and Spectator through Haptic
What could we do if we were able to feel others experience in real time. SMASH is a system that provides sports experience of a person from a remote area to spectators at the stadium and television...

Augmented Creativity: Bridging the real and virtual worlds to enhance creative play
Augmented reality (AR) holds unique and promising potential to bridge between real-world activities and digital experiences and supports users of such applications to engage their imaginations and...

fast and robust pipeline for populating mobile AR scenes with gamified virtual characters
In this work we present a complete methodology for robust author- ing of AR virtual characters powered from a versatile character animation framework (Smartbody), using only mobile devices. We can...