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Pioneers? You can become one too!
Monday, 02 November
16:15 - 18:00
Kobe Int’l Conference Center, Main Hall, Level 1

Pioneers? You can become one too!
Language(s) :
*Simultaneous Translation from English to Japanese
SIGGRAPH covers a wide range of technical fields. In this exciting panel, we have invited three pioneers from key fields to reflect on their professional careers and to provide gems of advice for aspiring researchers.
The panellists’ advice will range from the expected (How to identify life-changing career opportunities? How to select great research questions?) up to the unexpected (How to deal with the intricacies of academia, including organizational politics and malicious competitors?)
This session will consist of two parts. First, each panellist will present for 15 minutes; we then conclude with a lively discussion between the audience and the panellists. The panel will be conducted in English, but simultaneous translation will be provided.
Takeo Kanade is the U. A. and Helen Whitaker University Professor of Computer Science and Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his Doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering from Kyoto University, Japan, in 1974. After holding a faculty position in the Department of Information Science, Kyoto University, he joined Carnegie Mellon University in 1980. He was the Director of the Robotics Institute from 1992 to 2001, and a founding Director of Quality of Life Technology Research Center from 2006 to 2012. In Japan, he founded the Digital Human Research Center in Tokyo and served as the founding director from 2001 to 2010. Dr. Kanade works in multiple areas of robotics: computer vision, multi-media, manipulators, autonomous mobile robots, medical robotics and sensors and has written more than 400 technical papers and reports in these areas, and holds more than 20 patents.
Dr. Kanade has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering, and also to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The awards he received include the Benjamin Franklin Institute Medal and Bower Prize, Okawa Award, C&C Award, ACM/AAAI Allen Newell Award, Joseph Engelberger Award, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Pioneer Award, and IEEE PAMI Azriel Rosenfeld Lifetime Accomplishment Award.
Tomoyuki Nishita is a Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo, Japan. He is in Department of Economic Information of Hiroshima Shudo University and Director of UEI Research since 2013, and was a Professor in the Department of Complexity Science and Engineering (also in the Department of Information Science) at University of Tokyo, Japan since 1998. He taught at Fukuyama University from 1979 to 1998 He was an associate researcher in the Engineering Computer Graphics Laboratory at Brigham Young University from 1988 to 1989. His research interests center in computer graphics including lighting/shading models (radiosity), natural phenomena, real-time rendering, geometric modeling, and non-photorealistic rendering. Nishita received his BE, ME and Ph.D in Engineering in 1971, 1973, and 1985, respectively, from Hiroshima University.
Dr. Nishita received Research Award on Computer Graphics from Information Processing Society of Japan in 1987, and also received Steaven A. Coons award from SIGGRAPH in 2005. "Nishita award" was established from IIEEJ in 2006. He has written 20 SIGGRAPH papers(including Tog.) and 20 EUROGRAPHICS papers. He is one of the pioneers of Radiosity Method. He was a member of the Editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. He was a president of The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan in 2009. He has lectured at The University of Tokyo since 1994.
Steven K. Feiner (PhD, Brown) is Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University, where he directs the Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Lab. His research interests include human-computer interaction, augmented reality and virtual environments, 3D user interfaces, knowledge-based design of graphics and multimedia, mobile and wearable computing, computer games, and information visualization.
Prof. Feiner is coauthor of Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice and of Introduction to Computer Graphics (Addison-Wesley), received an ONR Young Investigator Award, and was elected to the CHI Academy. He is the recipient of the IEEE VGTC 2014 Virtual Reality Career Award and, together with his students, has won the ACM UIST 2010 Lasting Impact Award and best paper awards at ACM UIST, ACM CHI, ACM VRST, and IEEE ISMAR. His lab created the first outdoor mobile augmented reality system using a see-through display in 1996, and pioneered experimental applications of augmented reality to fields such as tourism, journalism, maintenance, and construction. In recent years, Prof. Feiner has been program co-chair for IEEE Virtual Reality 2012 and Foundations of Digital Games 2012; general chair or co-chair for ACM VRST 2008 (15th Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology), INTETAIN 2008 (Second International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment), and ACM UIST 2004 (17th Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology); and doctoral symposium chair for ACM UIST 2009–2012.
The panellists’ advice will range from the expected (How to identify life-changing career opportunities? How to select great research questions?) up to the unexpected (How to deal with the intricacies of academia, including organizational politics and malicious competitors?)
This session will consist of two parts. First, each panellist will present for 15 minutes; we then conclude with a lively discussion between the audience and the panellists. The panel will be conducted in English, but simultaneous translation will be provided.
Takeo Kanade
Carnegie Mellon UniversityTakeo Kanade is the U. A. and Helen Whitaker University Professor of Computer Science and Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his Doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering from Kyoto University, Japan, in 1974. After holding a faculty position in the Department of Information Science, Kyoto University, he joined Carnegie Mellon University in 1980. He was the Director of the Robotics Institute from 1992 to 2001, and a founding Director of Quality of Life Technology Research Center from 2006 to 2012. In Japan, he founded the Digital Human Research Center in Tokyo and served as the founding director from 2001 to 2010. Dr. Kanade works in multiple areas of robotics: computer vision, multi-media, manipulators, autonomous mobile robots, medical robotics and sensors and has written more than 400 technical papers and reports in these areas, and holds more than 20 patents.
Dr. Kanade has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering, and also to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The awards he received include the Benjamin Franklin Institute Medal and Bower Prize, Okawa Award, C&C Award, ACM/AAAI Allen Newell Award, Joseph Engelberger Award, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Pioneer Award, and IEEE PAMI Azriel Rosenfeld Lifetime Accomplishment Award.
Tomoyuki Nishita
Hiroshima Shudo Univeristy / UEI ResearchTomoyuki Nishita is a Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo, Japan. He is in Department of Economic Information of Hiroshima Shudo University and Director of UEI Research since 2013, and was a Professor in the Department of Complexity Science and Engineering (also in the Department of Information Science) at University of Tokyo, Japan since 1998. He taught at Fukuyama University from 1979 to 1998 He was an associate researcher in the Engineering Computer Graphics Laboratory at Brigham Young University from 1988 to 1989. His research interests center in computer graphics including lighting/shading models (radiosity), natural phenomena, real-time rendering, geometric modeling, and non-photorealistic rendering. Nishita received his BE, ME and Ph.D in Engineering in 1971, 1973, and 1985, respectively, from Hiroshima University.
Dr. Nishita received Research Award on Computer Graphics from Information Processing Society of Japan in 1987, and also received Steaven A. Coons award from SIGGRAPH in 2005. "Nishita award" was established from IIEEJ in 2006. He has written 20 SIGGRAPH papers(including Tog.) and 20 EUROGRAPHICS papers. He is one of the pioneers of Radiosity Method. He was a member of the Editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. He was a president of The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan in 2009. He has lectured at The University of Tokyo since 1994.
Steven Feiner
Columbia UniversitySteven K. Feiner (PhD, Brown) is Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University, where he directs the Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Lab. His research interests include human-computer interaction, augmented reality and virtual environments, 3D user interfaces, knowledge-based design of graphics and multimedia, mobile and wearable computing, computer games, and information visualization.
Prof. Feiner is coauthor of Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice and of Introduction to Computer Graphics (Addison-Wesley), received an ONR Young Investigator Award, and was elected to the CHI Academy. He is the recipient of the IEEE VGTC 2014 Virtual Reality Career Award and, together with his students, has won the ACM UIST 2010 Lasting Impact Award and best paper awards at ACM UIST, ACM CHI, ACM VRST, and IEEE ISMAR. His lab created the first outdoor mobile augmented reality system using a see-through display in 1996, and pioneered experimental applications of augmented reality to fields such as tourism, journalism, maintenance, and construction. In recent years, Prof. Feiner has been program co-chair for IEEE Virtual Reality 2012 and Foundations of Digital Games 2012; general chair or co-chair for ACM VRST 2008 (15th Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology), INTETAIN 2008 (Second International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment), and ACM UIST 2004 (17th Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology); and doctoral symposium chair for ACM UIST 2009–2012.