Presentation One
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Balanced Sampling and Compression for Remote Visualization
We present a novel approach for handling sampling and compression in remote visualization in an integrative fashion. As adaptive sampling and compression share the same underlying concepts and...

Multivariate Volume Rendering Using Transfer Function Synthesizer implemented in Remote Visualization System PBVR
In this paper, we propose a novel transfer function design technique for multivariate volume rendering. This technique generates a multidimensional transfer function by logical synthesis of...

Volume Rendering With Data Parallel Primitives in High Performance Computing Environments
Future exascale computing is demanding more and more parallelism from current software if peak computation rates are to be realized. However, exploiting this additional parallelism is not trivial....

Realistic Representation of Clouds in Google Earth
We have developed a very simple method to represent cloud realistically with the aid of Google Earth. Two physical quantities computed in the atmospheric simulation model are utilized for the...

Goal-Oriented Application Design Guidance for Flow Visualization
Modular visualization environments (MVEs) are commonly used in many disciplines including fluid science. However, it is difficult for scientists and engineers, who are not necessarily visualization...