Symposium on Visualization in High Performance Computing

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Invited Talk: HPC Visualization and Analysis at the Exascale: The Biggest Headache Yet
Tuesday, 03 November
11:00 - 12:00
Kobe Int’l Conference Center, Room 502, Level 5

Invited Talk: HPC Visualization and Analysis at the Exascale: The Biggest Headache Yet

Each new generation of HPC platforms introduces a new set of challenges for data-intensive activities, which include scientific data management, analysis, and visualization (SMDAV). As part of Exascale Computing Initiative, from the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, we are carefully planning for several different types of SMDAV research challenges, some of which are the direct result of disruptive changes caused by the evolving computational architecture, while others are the result of how science will evolve to leverage this powerful new computational platform.

Dr. E. Wes Bethel, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

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