Papers Session Three: Augmented Reality
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Tag It!: AR Annotation Using Wearable Sensors
In this paper we describe a wearable system that allows people to place and interact with 3D virtual tags placed around them. This uses two wearable technologies: a head-worn wearable computer...

Mobile multisensory augmentations with the CultAR platform
Human sensory system is a complex mechanism, providing us with a wealth of data from our environment. Our nervous system constantly updates our awareness of the environment based on this...

Augmented Reality Using High Fidelity Spherical Panorama with HDRI
This paper presents an experimental method and apparatus for producing spherical panoramas with high dynamic range imaging (HDRI). Our method is optimized for providing high fidelity augmented...

Mixed-Reality Web Shopping System Using Panoramic View Inside Real Store
In recent years, support for "disadvantaged shoppers" has been actively considered in Japan. Disadvantaged shoppers, that is, people who feel difficulty in shopping, means not only senior citizens...