Education Talks: Education and CG/Interactive Techniques, Curriculum Development and Applications
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FC1Full Conference Pass (FC - 1-Day Only)
BCBasic Conference Pass
ExExhibits Only
ETElectronic Theater Ticket
RTReception Ticket

Taking Animation Project Learning into the Virtual Environment
This paper demonstrates how a team of honours-level students explored a new area of game interaction, supported by an academic structure that provided flexibility, opportunity and encouraged...

Learning Hawaiian Hula Dance by Using Tablet Computer
In this paper, we describe that CG animation shown on tablet computer was utilized for learning dancing. It was used for high school students who practice dancing so that the presence of learning...

Courses on 3D Image Display for Students Who Aim to Become Information Media Engineers and Creators
3D displays have been used extensively in movies and games. They are essential in mixed reality where virtual space and real space overlap. Therefore, engineers and creators should be trained to...